If you have hired a PPC agency to manage your AdWords account, you’d need to share your Google AdWords Access with the team working on your account. But the question arises – how to share AdWords account credentials safely?

Basically, if this is the first time that you are sharing access of your AdWords Account with your agency – you will need to know about the different Access Types that Google AdWords allows:-
- Administrative Access: Administrative access allows the PPC manager to manage all aspects of the account like creating Ad campaigns, Ad groups, add positive keywords, etc. Through administrative access a PPC manager can give access to any other people.

- Standard Access: Standard access allows the PPC managers to make changes in campaigns and give other people “email-only access”.

- Read-only Access: Read-only Access allows the PPC manager only to view campaigns and run reports.

- Email only Access: Through Email only access the PPC manager can receive account alerts and reports via email.
Stepwise Procedure to Share Google AdWords Access Safely

Apply these steps when you wish to add an additional user or give access to the PPC firm hired for campaign management.
Step #1: Login to your Google AdWords Account.
Step #2: Under the setting option select “Linked Accounts”

Step #3: As soon as the user clicks on “Linked Account” a new webpage appears. On the left-hand side of the screen, lies the option “Account Access”. Click on “Account Access” option.

Step #4: Click the “users” button appearing on the screen.

Step #5: After clicking the “Users” button a hidden form appears which requires the email address, name (optional) of the person (with whom the access is to be shared) and the choice of access level. After entering the details click on to “send invitation” button.

After clicking on the “Send Invitation” button a mail is sent to the user with whom the access is shared. The user accepts the invitation and can start accessing the AdWords account. A mail is also fired to the AdWords account owner as to verify whether the same user has accepted the invitation or not. This E -mail need confirmation from the AdWords account owner.

Clixlogix.com focuses on client’s preferences for website optimization and is ranked as no.1 in managing PPC campaigns. Our dedicated team of professional PPC experts manage your Ad campaigns with high-end analytical tools for outstanding results. Compare our PPC packages or Contact us today.